Monday, February 14, 2011

Interviews summary


Volunteers with passion for Thanksgiving Point (Tracy, Val, Blake)
Guest experience is top priority (Tracy, Val, Blake, Gary)
Volunteer training is needed for greater roles (Val, Gary, Blake)
Families are target guests (Tracy, Blake)
Family-interaction (parent-child, grandparent-child) is a goal (Tracy, Blake)
Largest category of guests is younger mothers with children/strollers (Tracy, Gary, Val)
Discovery learning and fun are high priorities for properties (Tracy, Gary)
Membership pass is selling goal. (Tracy, Gary, Blake)


Thanksgiving Point needs to be more like one experience/property instead of three (Blake) vs. There are too many directors to coordinate activities between areas and there is an issue of revenue sharing (Gary) Gary was not sure it was a good idea to try and be one property.

Role of volunteer should be expanded to include docent-type responsibilities (Blake, Val) vs. He can't rely on volunteers to play a central role, only to play background roles, although he wants to. (Gary). Reliability is a central concern in using volunteers.

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