Friday, February 4, 2011

Interview with Val (Head of Volunteers)

How does volunteering work at Thanksgiving Point?

It became more formal in 2005 when Val took over. In the beginning, there wasn't much training. Volunteers are broken into groups. USU partner with Thanksgiving Point to provide gardeners.

Largest group is 13-17 years old called "growing leaders" and facilitate day camps.

Regular volunteer program: Families, little kids starting at 5 years old (water bunnies, collect eggs), seniors up to 80+.

Val has an assistant who is part-time paid. She is 17 years old. She started at 11 as a volunteer. She helps with training, benefits, assignments for volunteers.

They are in the process of putting a tracking system online. 15,000+ volunteer hours during 2010. They track hours to write grants or ask legislature for money. Volunteers get some perks (free passes, food, recognition dinner, etc.).

All volunteers interact with the public. Most are used for large public events (concerts, dances, etc.)

How do you train them?

They build in a half and hour before each events. Map info, etiquette, event seating, rules, always be curtious. She builds in 10% extra volunteers for events and there is typically a waiting list.

Parent-child interaction is important. She thinks that if they start a casual docent volunteer role with their seniors in the dinosaur museum and figure it out in terms of training. Then it could be added to farm land and the children's museum.

She thinks younger volunteers would not be a good fit for this role. It needs to be a suttle role.

What are your goals?

More youth involved. Youth that volunteer are better members of their community. They can put it on their resume.

Tighten up the formality of the volunteer program. It is loose.

Wants a docent program in the museum. Especially for the school group tours.

How do the areas get their volunteers?

A lot of the volunteer opportunities are a case by case basis. She will get a request for a number of volunteers for an event. And there are specific jobs.

The children's museum will require a lot more volunteers.

The ambassador program would be filled with people would desire to be specialist vounteers in multiple areas of the property. They would be docent-level specialists in one area then become a specialist in another area and continue until they have the whole property covered.

Some volunteers work together a lot and have formed a sense of community.

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