Friday, January 7, 2011


This class will be a group project with Thanksgiving Point. Part of the class will be to learn the skills of working as a team. Also, it will be an innovative design. According to Dr. Gibbons, innovative design is the gold standard of design and incorporates most if not all designing principles.

Design history:Gagne - reduce the cost of education, adopt standards/formulas/terms/categories/taxonomies, make it easy for everyone to become an instructional designer, technology, and formulaic design.Behaviorism was failing.

Glaser - because we have a limited idea of how people learn, no formulas possible, social dimension of learning, cognition, and instructional psychology.

Gagne and Glaser diverge and continue to diverge.Gagne is joined by media researchers, TV, movies, teaching machines, graphic, sensory, audio, and computers. ISD and ADDIE and authoring systems (remove the programmer, artist, writer, etc. "everyone can be a designer, artist, programmer, etc. with a system") started in this group.

Gagne gave theoretical grounds for the media research.

Glaser is joined by social learning researchers, anthropologists, and artificial intelligence researchers. Resnik and Schank joined this group.

A bridge between these two groups is needed.Outside of these groups is Design Studies.

Design Studies is interdisciplinary that includes fashion, automotive, architecture, etc.

For next time:
Read syllabus
Client is coming to class (Museum of Natural Curiousity)

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